Assembly Commission



Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel



Monday, 19 March 2018



12.35 - 13.50








Commission Members:


Elin Jones AM (Chair)

Suzy Davies AM

Caroline Jones AM

Adam Price AM

Joyce Watson AM






Officials present:


Manon Antoniazzi, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly

Dave Tosh, Director of Resources

Craig Stephenson, Director of Commission Services

Sulafa Thomas, Head of Commission and Member Support

Rhuanedd Richards, Policy Adviser to the Llywydd

Gwion Evans, Head of the Llywydd's Private Office







Others in attendance:







1      Introduction




1.1  Introduction and apologies


No apologies were received.




1.2  Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.




1.3  Minutes of the previous meeting


The Minutes of 26 February were agreed.




2      Appointment of new Independent Advisers to the Commission


Commissioners considered proposals for the recruitment and selection of a new cohort of Independent Advisers in 2018 and 2019, in preparation for the end of the current arrangements.


The Commission’s Independent Advisors act in a non-executive and non-political capacity, providing advice and constructive challenge to Commissioners and senior management on many aspects of the Commission’s business. Three Independent Advisors, along with one Commissioner make up ACARAC while the Commission’s Remuneration Committee is also made up of three Advisors.


Commissioners agreed to the recruitment proposals, with the recruitment and selection exercise to be managed internally whilst making use of an executive search agency to identify candidates to a long-list stage.




3      Capacity Review update


Commissioners were provided with an update on the Capacity Review. A Steering Group has been formed to take forward the Review recommendations. Officials had also held a series of staff workshops to discuss the Review and the ongoing work with positive feedback from staff that these had been very engaging.


Commissioners were also advised of the changes being made  to senior management  structures, with the Investment and Resourcing Board becoming the Executive Board (decision making), and Management Board being reconstituted as a Leadership Team. Commissioners were also appraised that there would be temporary arrangements to cover the director level responsibilities on the departure of the Director of Assembly Business.


Commissioners noted the update.




4      Commission Strategy away day


As part of the Commission’s revised planning cycle, Commissioners agreed it would be useful to continue the approach taken last year by holding a strategy setting workshop away-day.




5      Papers to note:




5.1  Investment and Resources Board update


Commissioners noted the latest update from the Investment and Resources Board.




5.2  AM Pension Scheme administration - Audit report


Commissioners received, and noted, the report of an internal audit of the AM Pension Scheme. The audit had recorded a substantial assurance opinion rating, meaning that, on the basis of results of the work undertaken, Internal Audit conclude that the Scheme’s framework of governance, risk management and control is adequate and effective.




6      Any other business


·         Commission procurement - Commissioners discussed procurement by the Commission from Welsh suppliers and agreed to introduce a specific KPI on procurement from Welsh suppliers. They also agreed to consider the matter at a future meeting and asked for a paper on current procurement arrangements regarding Welsh suppliers and what options there are available to improve performance.


·         Whistleblowing – Joyce Watson asked if the Commission could do some awareness raising of whistleblowing policies and procedures. The Commission agreed that it would be appropriate to build it into the package of work undertaken during our equalities week, likely to be June or July.


·         Flemish Parliament visit – The Commission agreed, subject to availability, to accept an invitation from Speaker Jan Peumans, to visit the Flemish Parliament in June 2018.


·         Tŷ Hywel ground floor corridor access - Complaints had been raised by Members about the access restrictions to the ground floor B block corridor. These had originally been put in place in response to concerns about security and causing a distraction to sitting committees. Commissioners discussed the matter and concluded that restrictions should be lifted so that the corridor should be open for use, and that users should be reminded to be quiet so as to avoid disturbing meetings.


·         Joyce Watson wished to record thanks for all those who had been involved in the ‘I am Embolden’ event, celebrating the achievements of deaf & disabled women in Wales.

